About Us
Email us at richmondpinballcollective@gmail.com
We are a 501 C7 not for profit social club dedicated to promoting the sport & hobby of pinball. We are operated entirely by volunteers who are dedicated to the cause and as obsessed with pinball as we are. Oversight is provided by a board of directors.
The Collective, or RPC as it is colloquially called, was opened in May of 2017 after a modest but successful fundraising campaign. We took a leap of faith and the club and community have been growing ever since. A lot of our growth is a direct result of the talents and services provided by our fantastic volunteer squad, many of whom contribute with their unique talents, which are all over the board.
Core values
Make pinball accessible to the masses
Support and foster competitive pinball
Use pinball as a vehicle for celebration and community building
Core purpose
Spread the joy of pinball to the people.